Excuse #2


In my post yesterday, I talked about the interviews I've been involved with lately.  The interview process is something I've been doing for over sixteen years....love talking to folks.  Now, the editing process using Audacity, the free on-line editing and recording software, is a whole 'notha ball of wax. I've finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21Century to use it and to look at some other computer-related devices, too.  O.K., y'know, it's time to learn these things and join the techy folks, like my husband. So far, so good...the interviews have come together well. (If I believed in Jesus, I'd thank him right now.)

But all this doesn't compare to what's going down in this neck of the woods.  Been asleep the last few days? Well, lemme wake you up....this below has been posted in the WGXC 90.7 FM Newsroom on our website wgxc.org, authored by Tom Roe, Artistic Director/Wave Farm and host of our Saturday Morning Serial:


"Three stories based in Columbia County went viral in the past several days.The Marina Abramovic Institute, which is projected to be opening in Hudson sometime this decade, put out a call for interns based in New York City. “Abramović raised over $660,000 for her institute on Kickstarter in June and recently ‘collaborated’ with Adidas. Yet somehow she cannot afford to pay people to work for MAI,” wrote Jillian Steinhauer in Hyperallergic. That story produced many angry online comments with similar sentiments, as did The New Yorker with its “satire”"Sonny Rollins: In His Own Words." In the piece by an obvious false name “Django Gold,” the Germantown-based legend is falsely-quoted as saying all sorts of terrible things about jazz he would never utter. The online kerfuffle led The New Yorker to add, “Editor’s note: This article, which is part of our Shouts & Murmurs humor blog, is a work of satire” at the top of the story, and Rollins to go live online Aug. 4 with the webcast responding to the magazine. Also on Aug. 4, the Union Street Guest House,a small Hudson hotel, made The New York Post's page 6 because it, “charges couples who book weddings at the venue $500 for every bad review posted online by their guests.” “…there will be a $500 fine that will be deducted from your deposit for every negative review . . . placed on any internet site by anyone in your party,” the tabloid quoted the Union Street’s website, since changed. The boutique hotel needn’t worry about bad online reviews anymore — they have plenty. The Yelp site, for instance, was filled with hundreds new one-star reviews after the Post story appeared."

Now, the Rollins mess is just that.  In visiting the writer's FB page, this Django Gold person, who works for The Onion (need I say more?), truly believes he's contributed a hilarious piece that everyone can laugh about.  I'm not laughing.  Jazz (or whatever you'd like to call it) has always struggled to reach into the casual listener's consciousness and stay there. This New Yorker piece reaffirms the bunk that America's "classical" music is a joke. Marc Myers, who blogs on his JazzWax, writes about the real shame of this article. Call me a fuddy-duddy, but I for one am not into this "got 'cha" kind of journalism and humor where everyone is reduced to a senseless, smelly turd. The jackass morass, as Myers calls it, has worn out its welcome with me. I'm not laughing.

[NOTE:  Listen....let me repeat - LISTEN TO SONNY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh...this, too, will pass, and we will all go on with the other nonsense in our lives. Until then, here's last week's Jazz Disturbance playlist:

w/Cheryl K.

WGXC 90.7 FM
Hudson, NY
Thursdays, 7p-9:30p


R. Charles, B. Carter/Cocktails for Two/Ray Charles and Betty Carter/ABC [3:08]
R. Whitaker/Jamerson’s Lullaby/When We Find Ourselves Alone/Mack Avenue [7:03]
D. Alexander/As Long As You’re Living/Songs My Mother Loves/Blujazz [6:17]
The Cookers/Looking for the Light/Cast the First Stone/Plus Loin Music [8:34]

(thirty minutes into the show)

The Cookers/ Croquet Ballet/Cast the First Stone/Plus Loin Music [6:39]
L. Marcus/Maple Syrup/Second Set/L.  Marcus [3:15]
D. Stewert/Dis Here/Code Blue!/D. Stewart [5:59]

(ninety minutes into the show)

Klobas/Kesecker Ensemble/T Scapes/Moment’s Notice/KKE Music [4:37]
R. Morales-Matos/My Favorite Things/Forward V/RMM Music [7:36]
W. Leo Smith, L. Moholo-Moholo/Jackson Pollack – Action/Ancestors/TUM [9:16]
Rebirth Brass Band/Who’s Rockin’, Who’s Rollin?/Move Your Body/Basin Street [4:54]

Now we're pretty much caught up....look for the Jazz Disturbance Jazz Calendar tomorrow....

 Until we meet again....


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